“Unpack” Your Photos

When you travel, do you leave your clothes in your luggage or do you unpack?  There seems to be two types of people… those that live out of a suitcase, and those that unpack. I happen to fall into the unpacking camp.  I find that it’s a lot easier to find what I need if I can see it all laid out.  Plus, towards the end of packing for a trip, I’ll think of something and throw it in last minute.  Despite my best efforts to keep my luggage super organized through the packing phase, I always hose it up in those finale hours before leaving.

I find I have a similar approach with my digital photos.  If I don’t “unpack” them – ie, pull them off my phone an onto my computer, I can’t always use them to their fullest capacity.  Now, I am a huge lover of Apple Photos, and when I’m out and about and need to find something quickly, I can pull a photo up really fast by either typing in a keyword, going to the album, or because I am a whiz at dates and remember where we were when something happened, I can go straight to the month and date the pictures was taken.  But, when it comes to my creative projects, and transferring my iPhone photos to my PC where I can view the photos on a big screen, I need them “unpacked”.

Unpack your photos like you unpack your luggage

The best time to do that… is right when you come home from a trip, while those memories are fresh and you’re still excited about the trip. 

We unpack our luggage when we get home, right? The laundry has to get done, we need to wear our shoes, and we likely need our toiletries (for our driving trips, I do pack my full-size bottles, which I need immediately upon returning home).  So, set aside a few minutes to unload your photos into your favorite book program.  Get that project started.  You don’t have to finish, and if you’ve read my earlier blogs, it doesn’t have to be perfect. 

But, slowly, as you build the momentum and start moving these photos off your device and into a creative effort, you’ll get energized.  And, you can save that spring break book and gift it as a Christmas Gift.  You’ll be the hero in December!

A vacation book makes for a really great gift come December!


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The Value of Tangible


This? Is overwhelming!